The Hudson NH Community Food Pantry serves residents in need of food assistance in the Town of Hudson, NH.  The pantry is located at 23 Library Street, in the light green building next to St. John XXIII Parish. The pantry is run by volunteers.

Applications are now available to sign up for our annual Easter Distribution.  Families will receive food as well as baskets for children.

Please complete and submit your application by 3/14/2025. You can download and print an application at the link below.  If you are a new client or a client that has not been in for the last six months, you will need to fill out the new client information sheets at the pantry.

If you have any questions call us at (603) 883-6048.

Click here to download & print our 2024 Easter Program Application

In Need of Help?

If you live in Hudson and need food assistance, please call the pantry office at 603-883-6048 and a volunteer will help you

Weekly Distribution

We distribute food weekly on Thursday evenings starting at 6pm. Please call ahead so we can schedule your pickup time.

Support Our Pantry

We are always appreciative & accepting of donations. Food, personal care & monetary donations are all accepted.